Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The best laid plans of mice and men....

...are like a chimp riding a Segway (via).

The internet is down at home, so I don't know if CDubs would like this clip. Guessing he would, because it involves a monkey going fast. Maybe we'll watch this very special video together this weekend, if Time Warner Cable honors their 4-hour-window appointment.

Moms, Dads, hold on to your memories of the world without the internet. How we used to entertain ourselves with simple games and tests of endurance. How comfortable we were with unanswered questions. I found myself at 1:00 AM last night, utterly paralyzed because I hadn't read the latest projections from I have a lot to learn from my son, who is content to spend his days with a pile of 13 books from the local library.

And stay tuned, we've got clips from our friends Molly and Zach on the way. We'll be operating within expected parameters soon.

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